I did not get my fall garden planted.
Too many hours spent working at the turnpike and not enough time to spend on so many things at home.
Ah well, I have seeds to plant in the spring now.
And let me just say something about poo.
I'm beginning to think that is my primary job here. Cleaning poo. Especially cat litter boxes and specifically, my precious little guinea keets. My goodness, they are quite the little poo machines!!!
Getting big - 3 weeks old on Monday
They're flying around their brooder and roosting on top
of the food and water jars.... next on our agenda,
getting the chicken coop ready for them!
I'm not saying I MIND, because I really don't mind
taking care of our little menagerie.
Jes sayin' it's certainly not my favorite job. Ugh.

Growing food and taking care of animals is a LOT of work..when I read on others blog I just wonder how they do it...I am kind of in a funk about time myself today...seriously thinking about locking up the computer in the safe during the day...spending way too much time on it and don't even enjoy it all that much right now...Yep..I think I will do that....starting Monday..lol
ReplyDeleteHello Susan!
ReplyDeleteI hear ya...I feel exactly the same way and I don't work away from home. I don't know about Guineas but chickens sure poop alot and in a way it's great for the compost but geez it's almost like 'in one end and out the other'! I love my chickens though so it's a labor of love..sort of. If you want to talk about critters being dirty...GEESE are terrible! I'm so glad ours aren't in a coop or small building...they've got a large cozy lean-to that they sleep in and during the day they're out in the pasture and pond (well mud hole) having fun. Right now they're splashing away as I fill it up for them...all this hot weather is sure drying things up. Anyway...hang in there and you'll be having less to clean up once they're out and about in the yard. I hope you're off this weekend....Maura :)
I'm hearing you too! I was just complaining this morning about all my unfinished projects I have on the go. I work f/t so when I come home from the end of a long day - I walk the dogs, make supper, tend my garden (during the summer) and there isn't much left in me to work on another project after all of that. So where does the time go???? Great question! If you figure it out ... please share. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and hopefully there won't be too much poop.
geesh i dont even have any critters to feed but my schedule doesnt give me much daylight and gardening is my stress reliever but i have a few projects to finish and yep time is going by too quickly, about putting the computer away, what a great idea, so i can finish staining the deck before the cold weather sets in, maybe when you come to ohio you can help me finish???? j/k enjoy your weekend instead of cleaning up poop on Saturday/Sunday
ReplyDeleteMy FIL's neighbor has a guinea...and it comes and knocks on my FIL's patio door when the bird feeder is empty...then he goes around front and gets in his fountain to drink...keep my FIL entertained...
ReplyDeleteI am amazed by how much time I spend cleaning up after just my cats.
ReplyDeleteAnd time - she flies. Just when I feel like I've accomplished a lot, I think about all the other things I didn't do. *sigh*
My Granny Walden used to have guineas, there bug eattin' machines! Yep, the whole critter scene is a lot of work but I would have it any other way!!!
ReplyDeleteHave a gloriously blessed day sweetie!!!
They are sooo cute though - it's a case of love me- love my poo
ReplyDeleteHmmmm. I understand.
ReplyDeleteI clean up a lot poo everyday, too!Big'ol horse poo, kitty poo boxes, doggy poo out of their yard! The world is full of a lotta poo!
But, those guineas? OMG! Too cute :)
xo, misha
Thanks for your post, Suz, it gave me a smile. Just too much poo in the world, I guess. :)
ReplyDeleteI hope some fall sunshine will brighten your day. I am the poop removal guy at our house, but can see how those nice critters would add lots of work to the job.
ReplyDeleteOh your little guinea keets are sooo cute. But I know what you mean about the poo. It is a questionable pleasure that comes with the furry and feathery bunch ;-)
ReplyDeleteAh that poo will make your garden grow and your lawn too..it just needs to be aged a little..sell it to city folk who have no poo.. I love Guineas..they will imprint on you and your place..big time..so they will be loyal bug and small varmit eaters:)
ReplyDeleteSomeone mentioned to me this morning "Isn't it amazing that it's already the 25th of September and Christmas is right around the corner?" I wanted to slap her. ;)
ReplyDeleteWe're all thinking alike...not enough hours in the day. How do some gals do it? I'm sure I know a "Patty Perfect" or two...just can't figure out their secret!!
ReplyDeleteI realized today that I have missed the winter tomato planting. Oh, well. Hope all is well.
ReplyDeleteI work at home so I can caregive for hubby... and the time still gets away form me with everything I have to do for my work and for him. We have always had a big veggie garden every summer, but I think this will be our last year... my body is feeling the aging and trying to handle such abig thing by myself now got to be too much. Looks like we are all commiserating with you. ♥
ReplyDeletePoo machines... that is cute. LOL!
I know how that goes >.<
ReplyDeleteI swear, my 100 lb dog poops like 20+ times a day!! And he only eats twice a day...I don't know where it all comes from!?
They are quite adorable though xD
Wow, they sure are growing up fast and getting pretty! Love that lavender color.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I say...all I do is scoop poop!!! Sorry about your garden...I know that was important to you :(