March Country Giveaway

I had to think about the March giveaway.  Just wasn't quite sure what I wanted the giveaway to be... and then it hit me!  Gardening!  Aren't we all thinking about spring and getting our hands good and dirty, smelling the good, green earth on a wet rainy day?

Weds morning prairie sky ~
threatening, and yet cool at the same time!

And so, the March giveaway will be a $25 gift certificate to Territorial Seed Company or Burpee, winner's choice.  I personally like Territorial Seed, based in Oregon, but if you're looking for unlimited choices, then Burpee is the way to go!

Just leave a comment here -- tell me what you think you might like to purchase with your $25 gardening gift certificate -- seeds?  a new garden tool? seaweed fertilizer?

A winner will be drawn using on Monday, March 19th.  So you've got until Sunday, March 18th at midnight (PST) to enter the giveaway!

Good luck, and I hope y'all are having a good week so far.  Happy Thursday!


  1. Cool sky.. Using all Burpee seeds for my backyard garden this year.

  2. Oh what fun. I've started my garden last week, my first one in many, many years. My fav is Burpee's as that was the catalog my mother and I ordered from. I bought all the seeds I need so probably a tool of some sort. I'm a gadget kind of gal!

  3. Ah gardening, can't wait for the snow to go away. I would be a seed buyer, flowers, and more flowers to brighten my winter days...the photographs that is.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  4. LOVE that image, and this is a truly spectacular giveaway! Good thinking!!!

  5. I think I would have to go for some seeds to start out our Spring garden if we find a place to plant it! We've always wanted a nice garden to plant our organic, fresh fruits and veggies :)

    Thank you for this great giveaway!!

    TheEclecticElement AT yahoo DOT com

  6. Cool! I would buy seeds that I would let Nina start in the greenhouse (she has been starting seeds right and left!) for me! :) I like flowers, but a few heirloom tomatoes would grow well in my pots...

  7. You made me look huh. I guess it would be a gadget.
    I did not get sisters garden spot plowed in time so now have to wait for the ground to dry again. I am not complaining about the rain NO SIR. Her tanks
    which there are 5 of them, last year went dry in 3 and mud bog in one and the fish tank went 20+ feet down. So I say bring on the rain. We need more PLEASE and THANK YOU GOD...
    I got 2 heirloom tomatoes. 2 cukes. 2 cherry tomatoes. not much for my container garden this year. Last year just ate my lunch almost. What didn't the Peter cotton tails did. I only got a few jalapenos.

  8. LOVE Territorial for unusual winter squash seeds, herbs, just about anything for the veggie garden.
    Deb in Kansas

  9. That sky is awesome!
    Unfortunately, I have a black thumb.
    I'd love to start a garden, but I just know it would turn out badly.

  10. I would go wild over anything strawberry related. That is my goal...grow strawberries, lots of strawberries!

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