Who would have thought that being a toll booth collector could be stressful and VERY tiring??! Certainly not me!!!!
I must admit, I'm one of the legions who always believed a toll booth collector's job was pretty cushy. I mean, seriously... collecting money for 8 hours? How hard could that be? Getting state wages and retirement benefits? I always thought it was a great job and I envied those people with that easy job.
Trust me. Not easy, not cushy. It's a good thing I'm part-time right now. An 8-hour shift leaves me beat to the ground the next day. I need a day off just to regenerate some energy so I can go back the next day!!!
Since I work at the south terminal of the Kansas Turnpike Authority, there is rarely a minute to relax. (Check out the link to their website... the photo in the header shows the terminal where I work, so you can get an idea of what my "office" looks like.) We are busy the entire shift, whether it's daytime or evening. I'm sure it probably slows down considerably in the overnight hours, but I haven't worked the night shift. Yet. I'm told the onslaught of summertime bugs will make up for the relaxation time that the "hoot" owl workers enjoy.
I'm not complaining. Nooo, actually, I rather like this job. If only because it is so different from what I have done my entire life. In my previous tenure, I served as office manager and media buyer for a small advertising agency. Prior to that, executive administrative assistant at a large corporation-type business, and prior to that, a senior administrative assistant and marketing coordinator at an architectural firm. So you can see I'm used to being in a nice temperature-controlled office on a plump, comfy chair.
Now I fight the bees as the bee trucks head north from Texas, slam my little booth doors shut as the livestock trucks go by, and crank the air conditioning to 55 degrees just to get some cool air circulating when it's almost 100 outside and the booth doors are open almost all the time. My feet hurt from standing all day, as does my lower back from the constant reaching ~ up to trucks, and down to cars. There are K-Tag issues that must be dealt with -- tags that don't read, people who think other state tags WILL read (they don't), people without tags who think they can run the lane -- there are also people who think they don't have to pay at all and run the lane, people who lose their tickets, accidents, disabled cars, possible drunk drivers, ticket readers that decide not to work when you have a stream of cars waiting to pay, and of course, people who decide to empty their piggy bank and pay with a plastic bag full of pennies! (Yes, that just happened to one gal last night!!)
I will say that I've discovered 90% of the people in our world are friendly, nice and polite. They understand the purpose of a turnpike, what their ticket is for, and they have their money ready to pay upon exit. But as you well know, there is always that other 10%. I guess that's what will keep my job exciting!
Bonus ~ I am allowed to bring my camera with me to work. So I'm going to start doing so, perhaps as soon as tomorrow. I'll give y'all a peek into my world on the interstate highway. And if you are ever driving south through Kansas, keep an eye out for me at the south terminal and say hi... as a side note, you will find that the Kansas Turnpike keeps their road in top-notch condition. It's such a pleasure to drive; I usually receive at least 2 customer compliments each shift that I work.
It's certainly a DIFFERENT job.
The newest addition to our animal menagerie...
another story, another day!

Oh my - your job sounds absolutely adventurous. ANd yes, tiring. But you sound like you love it. So kudos to you.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the pictures.
Good Morning Susan! That's pretty good that you like your job even though it's hard on your feet and back and stressful at times. I imagine you meet some really nice friendly people and that always makes up for the bad stuff. I love your new addition and will be watching for a post when you have time. The next time hubby and I head south (which isn't very often) I'll be watching for you in your little booth. Take care and rest up! Maura :)
ReplyDeleteI keep threatening to go back to work..but maybe not...lol..
ReplyDeleteWorking does take a lot out of you, but it also gives back a lot. Sounds like you are making the "attitude is 90%" adage come true.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck, shall we send you some Raid?
Standing and bending down or reaching up for eight hours would be very tiring indeed. Your little kitten is so cute.
ReplyDeleteI've often wondered what it would be like working in a toll booth. Thanks for the insight.
ReplyDeleteOh, my....my feet and back hurt enough without standing all day. I feel for you, but it does sound like an interesting job. Can't wait to see the photos you will be posting, very interesting indeed!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteCan you sit on a stool? would that help?
sounds like an intersting and busy job...cant wait to see photos...
ReplyDeleteWe don't have turnpikes here. I had my first experience with them when I went to the US Nationals in Tulsa last year. It was a lot to absorb for a newbie who didn't know where she was going. My MapQuest directions didn't explain although they did make the turnpike reference. What a crazy trip.
ReplyDeleteThere is actually such a thing as a bee truck? Yikes!!! And they come from Texas???? Eeeewwww!
ReplyDeleteHopefully you will get used to the standing and leaning and stretching and you won't tire out as easy. Those benefits will be worth it in the long run.
I'll be looking for your photos of work and the kitty story.
Talk to you soon!
Do some good stretching before you go in, get a small step stool, those rubber snap together kid floor mats work good...protect your back...a public service message for a public servant:)
ReplyDeleteWow, sounds like an adventure for now, but that it might grow old after a couple of years. But by then you'll be rolling in the dough and won't need to work, right? :)
ReplyDeleteThe new kitten is so cute; can't wait to read the story.
Thanks for sharing! I'm glad 90% of the people are being nice to you. www.trilingualdiva.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteDifferent AND with benefits...awesome! I look forward to hearing more about it, and especially about the kitty cat!
ReplyDeleteCertainly I've never worked in a toll booth, but I can tell you from someone who has been through many, NOTHING made my day/night like a kind toll booth operator with a smile and kind words when I was away from home and in a hurry and annoyed that I had to take the time to stop at a toll booth. When I traveled to Topeka, KS every single Sunday night, and back to the Kansas Airport every single Thursday night for three years, I grew quite fond of the toll booth operators. They were usually kind, patient and friendly, and always left me with a smile. I imagine you are much the same way. I appreciate them even more now in hindsight, hearing how stressful and exhausting that job actually is! I sure look forward to some pictures!!! (((hugs)))
ReplyDeleteSusan, I’m glad to hear that all is well. When folks fall off the grid without notice, it’s usually not a good thing but in your case it was a wonderful thing. I’m sure there will be thousands of pictures for Grandma to view during the first few months.
ReplyDeleteThe toll booth job sounds a little tense with traffic coming all the time. The benefits sound great. I must agree that the toll roads in Kansas and Oklahoma are the best and well taken care of. I would pay to travel on roads like that every where if they had them. I don’t think I’d be able to handle a job where I stood in the same 10 square feet for 8 hours. It would be a hot job for sure. I’ve heard about hauling bees from a trucker friend of mine. Not too many truckers will haul bees and not too many truck stops want them setting in their stop. Bees are hauled in open hives and when they are traveling down the highway they won’t come out because of the wind. When they stop it’s a totally different deal. I don’t think they will get too far away from the hive but it’s just an unsettling thing to see hives going down the road. They always lose a few when they slow down or stop.
I’ll be making some Mulberry jam tomorrow. Mulberry tree grow like weeds here in Nebraska. I have spent all my life rooting the buggers out of fence lines but this year I just decided to find something useful to do with the berries. I sure hope it turns out because there’s a ton of Mulberry trees around my neighborhood that should really be used for something more than bird bombs on houses and cars.
I hope to hear many stories about the Kansas toll booth lady.
I assumed that was a challenging job, and I hope you get into the swing of it--so there will be less aches and pains.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the photo impressions as always.
I am sure it is not very glamorous all the time..you may get some great photos..that is one cute kitten:)
ReplyDeleteOoh, I always wondered what it would be like to work in a toll booth. I'm glad to hear that you don't let the 10% of crazy people ruin the job for you. I'm also glad that it's so few...
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see photo perspectives!
Very interesting -- I don't believe we have very many toll booths in Minnesota -- I've only been on one once or twice and I believe it was an honor system -- drop the change in the machine and away you go....
ReplyDeletewhat an optimistic post... make lemonade, enjoy the good things and water off a ducks back for the 10%
ReplyDeleteOkay, first of all: aawwwww how very very cute!
ReplyDeleteAs far as I know we don't have toll roads in the Netherlands. I've never had to pay at a toll booth anyway. Oh yes, once, but that was in Great Britain. We pay road tax, people who drive big heavy cars pay more than the ones who drive around in little nutshells.
It's nice (and very important) that you like your job. I can imagine that you're tired at the end of a shift. You booth looks... uhm... cosy?
How's the granddaughter doing?
Funny - I always thought this seemed like a decent gig myself. Thanks for the awakening!
ReplyDeleteSusan I almost emailed a youtube video of a loud noisy "racing truck" the other day but I didn't. I must be mellowing in my "old age" LOL
ReplyDelete"I will say that I've discovered 90% of the people in our world are friendly, nice and polite." Now THAT'S refreshing and really nice to hear!
ReplyDeleteAnd what a beautiful little kitty :-)
Oh, I love little kitties. And, I can believe how tedious the toll booth must be. Came through Houston the other day and the toll booth lady seemed to have answered my question a million times before.
ReplyDelete"Does this connect to 290?"
"Six miles down the road." Delivered with a smile. I was grateful for her patience as I was lost and hopeful I was on the right road.
Probably coming back through your tollbooth a couple months from now. Switch to the going to Texas side. I promise not to ask directions. I know that route.
Been searching the pages on my Peterson's guide. Grateful to have it. New snow geese and coots.
Sounds like hard work to me sweetie and I couldn't take that "bee" issue since I'm allergic to those little monsters. Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see pics.
ReplyDelete2 compliments a day is good - but you deserve more :)
ReplyDeleteinteresting post..I have enjoyed catching uo with your blog
ReplyDeleteI do the administrative work... well, I'm a financial aid coordinator at a medical college. It's EXTREMELY emotionally stressful. It's really catching up with me, and I'm left with complete exhaustion. Last night, I was in bed by 8 pm, because I just couldn't stand it!
ReplyDeleteOn another note - the kitty is absolutely ADORABLE!
Ha. Wow...I certainly admire your dedication to your unique job!!
ReplyDeleteI actually wouldn't mind maybe doing it for a day to see what it's all about :)
I can't wait to hear about the little adorable ball-o-fuzz in that picture ^.^